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To persist history, canary-checker has 3 options:

  1. Mount a PVC/Hostpath volume for an embedded postgres database
  2. Deploy a postgres database as a statefulset
  3. Connect to an external postgres database

Mounting a persistent volume

storageClass: # the name of a PV Storage Class
storage: 10Gi
# ...

If you ever need to connect to the embedded database, you can do so by forwarding the port:

kubectl port-forward canary-checker-0 6432:6432
psql -U postgres localhost -p 6432 canary with password postgres #password will be postgres

Deploying a standalone Statefulset

enabled: true
create: true # creates a new postgres statefulset
storageClass: # the name of a PV Storage Class
storage: 10Gi
# ...

The helm chart will create a postgres server statefulset, with a random password and default port, along with a new database.

To specify a username and password for the chart-managed Postgres server, create a secret in the namespace that the chart will install to, named postgres-connection, which contains POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_PASSWORD keys.

Connecting to an existing database

In order to connect to an existing Postgres server, a database must be created on the server, along with a user that has administrator permissions for the database.

enabled: true
create: false
name: postgres-connection # name of secret that contains a key containging the postgres connection URI
key: POSTGRES_URL # name of the key in the secret that contains the postgres connection URI. The URI must be in the format 'postgresql://"$user":"$password"@"$host"/"$database"'
# ...